Change The Way You REHAB

My name is Dr. Andrew Livingston, I'm a Board-Certified Sports Physical Therapist (PT) whose rehabbed high school, college, and professional athletes. I am dedicated to providing a new and innovative way to rehab your injury or nagging pain. With video calls, you can receive world-class rehab anywhere!


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Virtual Rehabilitation

After a free consultation, a completely individualized assessment and rehab plan will be created for you. Sessions will be purchased individually or in packages for greater savings to help you reach your goals!

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Are you a medical provider or professional looking to improve your skills rehabbing athletes? I can provide mentorship and walk you through individual diagnoses and even how to evaluate certain body regions.



I look to deliver world-class care to those who seek higher standards of rehab.

Athletes have traditionally been extremely limited in their options for quality care when looking to return to sports and activity. I am determined to change the way and quality with which rehab is delivered.